Tuesday, August 19, 2008


e11 has been busy over the past couple of days creating and making (with a little help from Mum!) this beautiful apron, for her friend's birthday tomorrow. we used this tutorial to make it out of a teatowel that we found on sale not so long ago. the teatowel already had the stripes on the bottom of it so with a couple of little additions this is what we came up with:


pande said...

Looks fantastic, E! I wanted to enlarge it so I could see it close up but couldn't - shame. Clever girl!
Aunty L.x

Sharonnz said...

Love it...very pretty!

Rach said...

exactly what Aunty L said!!! It's gorgeous (nicer than the one in the tutorial even)

skatey katie said...

woo hoo!!!
you are so flash!!!!!
love the apron, hope it brings your friend many happy hours creating in the kitchen.
mwah X

ariki said...

Now that is amazing! Beautiful!!